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Homepage Vinyl Flooring Flooring Hand Tools Quarter Moon Spatula Trimming Knife For Vinyl Floor Welding

Quarter Moon Spatula Trimming Knife For Vinyl Floor Welding

Quarter Moon Spatula Trimming Knife For Vinyl Floor Welding
Quarter Moon Trimming Knife or Spatula Plastic Weld Rod Trimming Knife Trimming PVC Vinyl Weld Rod - Quarter Moon Knife Trimming Vinyl Welding Rod - Quarter Moon Knife Quarter Moon Knife used for Trimming Vinyl Welding Rod Trimming Knife with Guide - In use
Market Price: £15.99
Price: £10.99
Product Code: 7010
Weight 0.17 kgs

Quarter Moon Crescent Vinyl Floor Trimming Knife

For use with the weld seam guide for welding PVC vinyl & linoleum flooring

Used to level off and trim access cold welding wire after the welding process has been completed

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