Wall Cladding – Altro PVC Vinyl Welding Rods PVC Vinyl welding rods available in 50 metre drums for jointing pvc hygenic wall cladding
These pvc wall cladding welding rods are used in the fitting of hygenic wall cladding in Hospitals, Medical Centres, Dental Surgeries, for a clean seamless weld. Also used in Care Homes, Social Housing, Schools, Nurseries and colleges in areas such as classrooms, toilets, science labs, sports halls and corridors. They are also used in the Retail & Leisure Industry in shops, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. The PVC vinyl welding rod is for use with Altro Whiterock, Altro Whiterock Satins and Altro Whiterock Chameleon Wall Cladding Sheets. These welding rods are available in a range of colours designed to blend with the wall cladding sheet material. |